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The following information is supplied by the Glen Carbon Fire Protection District pursuant to Sections 4 and 5 of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/4 &

1. Descriptive Statement:


a. The Glen Carbon Fire Protection District is a public fire protection district organized and operating under the provisions of the Illinois Fire Protection District Act (70 ILCS 705/0.01 et seq.)


b. It is located in the following county or counties: Madison.


c. It operates a fire department from the following location or locations:

 Fire Station 1: 199 S. Main st., Glen Carbon, IL

 Fire Station 2: 430 Glen Carbon Rd., Glen Carbon, IL


d. The mailing address of the district is P.O. `Box 254, Glen Carbon, IL 62034.


e. Persons desiring to contact the district may contact the following:

 District Administrator 618-288-1220 or


f. The district is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of five persons.


 Meetings of the Board are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Fire Station 1.


g. The approximate budget of the district is $3,400,842 annually.


2. The district maintains the following types and categories of records:


a. General Ordinances.


b. Budget and Appropriation Ordinances adopted annually.


c. Property Tax Levy Ordinances adopted annually.


d. Financial Reports prepared annually.


e. Minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees and Treasurer`s Reports.


f. Vouchers, Bank Statements and Records, and other financial records pertaining to receipts and disbursements of the district.


g. Policies and procedures regarding the operation of the district`s fire department.


h. Correspondence.


i. Fire and incident reports.


j. Personnel and training records.


3. Records of the district which are available for immediate disclosure are items a, b, c, d, e, g, and i listed in Section 2, above, for the previous two (2) years.


4. Records of the district which are subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act may be requested in writing from the Freedom of Information Act Officer listed above. Requests are to be submitted in writing delivered to the attention of the Freedom of Information Act Officer listed above, at the above address. Requests will be processed within the time permitted by the Freedom of Information Act, five (5) business days for non-commercial requests and twenty-one (21) business days for commercial requests, unless additional time, as permitted by the Act is required to process the request, in which case the person making the request will be notified in writing of the action taken with reference to the person`s request. Copies of records will be furnished in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. (First, 50 pages of material will be provided without charge, additional pages will be charged at the rate of 15 cents per page. Color or oversize copies will be supplied at actual cost.) Any request for a waiver of copying fees must be in writing and accompany the request for copies.


5. A denial of any records request will be made in writing to the person making the request and a request for review of any denial may be made to the Public Access Counselor, Public Access Bureau, Office of the Attorney General, 500 South Second Street, Springfield, Illinois 62706 (217-558-0486) under Section 9.5 of the

Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/9.5) within sixty (6) days of the date of denial. Persons whose request is denied may also seek judicial relief under Section 11 of the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/11).


Glen Carbon Fire Department is a combination Fire department  with a full time career Fire / EMS staff that is supported by paid on call fire fighters.


(618)288-1220 Fire Station 

(618)288-7226 Glen Carbon Dispatch


Fire Station 1

199 S. Main St. Glen Carbon, IL 


Fire Station 2

430 Glen Carbon Rd. Glen Carbon, IL

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© 2018 Glen Carbon Fire Department - Created by Coleen S.

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